A-Broad In London

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America, I don’t understand.

I am a Canadian woman living in Great Britain. I tell you this because I am neither a Republican or Democrat. Nor am I interested in being corralled by my American friends who find the need to identify, sort, convert and brand me to any form of their country’s political tribes.

I am however a moralistic human being who does not believe that government, church, state, priests, rabbis, teachers or anyone for that matter should tell me who I can love, who I should hate and what I can or cannot do with my body.  I believe in being kind to strangers, that no lives matter unless black lives matter. That bullies cannot be placated to, equal rights for all…you know…all the basic stuff they taught us in kindergarten. 

As a Canadian, I grew up idolizing you America. An incredible superpower country that led by shining example. Whose gold standards created benchmarks for literature, cinema, science, democracy and medicine which led and inspired the world to do better. I looked up to you much like a little kid idolizing an older brother or sister. Cooler, bigger, stronger, smarter, more popular and always…always made me feel safe. But America you now terrify me. 

Regardless of political beliefs your country is being led by a morally bankrupt human being of your own choosing and in turn that is how the world now sadly views you, morally bankrupt. This is not a political statement between your two feuding parties. This is about morals, ethics, equal rights, fairness and empathy. This is about you having voted in the schoolyard bully for fear of standing up to his wrath with the promise that if you declare loyalty he will not steal your pocket money. Trust me I like a good tax cut as much as the next guy, but seriously…at what cost?

In the last few weeks/months/years we the world have watched gobsmacked and shuddered in disbelief following the actions of your President. These are not debatable actions slanted for emphasis and effect by one biased news agency over another. Nor are they even in dispute. They are the indisputable facts as they were presented around the world by CNN, FOX News, BBC and CBC to name a few.

Let’s start with COVID. 

Currently, the White House after a “super-spreader” event in The Rose Garden that would put any university frosh-week Kegger to shame, coupled with Trump’s public mockery of wearing masks now has more cases of COVID than the following countries;

New Zealand


Viet Nam



Having being diagnosed with Coronavirus himself, a virus that deprived him of oxygen twice and hospitalized him for 72 hours, Trump chose mid-treatment to endanger the lives of his security detail who were in the hermetically sealed car with Trump who was infected with a lethal contagious disease for a completely unnecessary Presidential drive-by, one widely reported in direct defiance of doctor’s orders. These Secret Service agents may get sick, may even die… for what…political theatre?  I get that the Secret Service are trained to take a bullet for the American President but to insist on sealing them into a potentally contagiant vehicle for a photo-op joyride…are they really suppose to take a bullet if the President himself is the shooter?

Racist and Bigot

He referred to African countries as “shitholes”, Mexicans as “rapists” and neo-Nazis as “very fine people”. To be clear bigotry, racism and white nationalism are impeachable offences, just ask Andrew Johnson. Trump has publicly refused to denounce white supremacy. I have no words… ok maybe just this, a huge shout out to the gay men who have colourfully claimed the hashtag, #Proud Boys. Love >Hate.

Health Care

Trump attacks and fights against socialized medicine for the American people. Yet he was flown by helicopter to a 100% government-funded hospital receiving COVID treatment that no other human being on earth has received at a cost few could afford, all covered by US taxpayers. Sounds like socialized medicine to me Mr. President, says the Canadian. 

Income taxes

Donald Trump hasn’t paid a single cent of federal income tax in 10 out of 15 years. In 2016, the year he became President Trump paid $750 in taxes, $129,250 less than he paid to porn star Stormy Daniels. He further deducted $70,000 for hairdressers answering the question, yes he wants his hair to look like that. My daughter who spent the summer waitressing in a cafe on Abbott Kinney paid more taxes than Trump, just saying. 

Lies, Lies and More Lies

In his first 1,267 days in office according to The Fact Checker Database Trump had made 20,055 false or misleading claims…and the year is not done yet folks. That is an average of 15.8 lies or misleading claims per day concluding he is likely lying when he says “good morning”.

Sexual Misconduct

26 women have publically come forth and accused President Donald Trump of sexual misconduct, assault and rape. For the record Jefferey Epstein, convicted paedophile had 23 accusers. This includes the rape charges his wife Ivana brought against him in 1993 while still married. Trump’s defence lawyer Michael Cohen (we all know what happened to him) denied the allegations, arguing "you cannot rape your spouse.”

Let us now compare how many sexual misconduct accusations there have been for the last six Presidents over the last 45 years.

Jimmy Carter - 0

Ronald Regan - 1

Geroge H W Bush - 1

Bill Clinton - 3

George W Bush - 1

Barack Obama - 0


Trump bragged that as a famous man, he can get away with anything. Like kissing women without waiting for permission and grabbing women by the pussy.

This is your President!

So America, I respectfully ask what the hell happened to you? Where did you go? Regardless of your political motivations, the financial incentives or personal beliefs what does it say about you as a people, you as a nation that this man is your moral compass, your spokesperson on the world’s stage, your chosen leader?  

Who you associate yourself with tells everybody exactly who you are. Just another little nugget of truth I picked up from kindergarten.#votehimout