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Kate-Gate: Unraveling the Royal Controversy

I wasn’t talking about this at all— But after the kill order, I am all in.

Introduction: March 10th, 2024, marked a turning point in the otherwise mundane landscape of UK Mother’s Day. Little did the public know, a seemingly innocent photo would set off a chain of events, unraveling into what is now known as Kate-Gate. Let's delve into the intricacies of this royal controversy.

The Initial Stir: January 16th: Kate Middleton had planned abdominal surgery and announced through a press release that she would be out of the public eye until after Easter. Fair. Obviously, there was mild curiosity and speculation about her procedure or how many times Prince William was seen coming and going during Kate’s two-week hospital stay (once), but she is absolutely entitled to her privacy. And just because she rocks a tiara doesn’t mean she owes us squat. This is her private life. However, it was her subsequent post-surgery photo that captured global attention. A public declaration that she was on the mend, that she was doing well. A photographic health report of Kate surrounded by her smiling children. All seemed harmless at first glance; in fact, everyone was, for the better part, relieved to see the princess looking so well, but suspicions about its authenticity quickly spread.

The Associated Press's Rare Move: Within less than 24 hours, the Associated Press, renowned for its credibility, issued an unprecedented kill order for the photo. Allegations of manipulation at the source cast doubt on its legitimacy, sending shockwaves through royal enthusiasts worldwide. To give that piece of information the much-needed context that it deserves, never once has an official photo from the palace ever been issued a kill order. Not-a-one.

Kate's Admission: In response to mounting speculation, Kate Middleton acknowledged that the photo had been edited. An "oops, yeah, er—sorry folks" (I’m paraphrasing) apology. Saying that, like many an amateur photographer she edited the photo. But this wasn’t just adding the Bold Glamour filter and photoshopping out a wrinkle. It was significantly altered.

The Palace refused to release the original, unedited photo…and this is when the whole world started to take notice.

The Scandal. All bets are off: The story morphed into a full-blown scandal, leaving many questioning the integrity of royal communications. "What are they hiding, and why?" The once ironclad, protective, curated understanding between the Palace and the British press gets blown off its royal rails.

The Press's Uprising: What ensued was a media frenzy, with journalists and social media pundits dissecting every detail of the saga. A plethora of Kate-spiracy theories had me feel that I had stumbled upon a True Crime podcast.

Has Kate Gone-Girl’ed William?

Did she have cosmetic surgery? Did she take the kids and run? Is she in a coma? Locked in the Tower? (There is some Prince William family history with this one, just saying.) Is she the Masked Singer? Is she even alive? #whereiskate starts trending

Of course, all of these conspiracies could have been easily put to rest with a simple smile and wave from the back of a moving car. She wouldn’t even have to post a video on the royal Instagram account holding up that day’s newspaper. So, why isn’t she, you know, waving?

The world is asking one question. Where is Kate?

Enter Rose Hanbury: As if the controversy surrounding Kate wasn't enough, rumors of Prince William's infidelity surfaced, implicating Rose Hanbury, Marchioness of Cholmondeley. Previously relegated to obscurity, Rose found herself thrust into the spotlight, adding another layer of intrigue to the unfolding drama. The often-muted British press sitting squarely in the palace’s back pocket became relentless, unearthing long-buried secrets. It seems like they are no longer interested in protecting a family that lied and manipulated them.

Royal Bad Behavior: Of course, we know that William’s ancestors have a colorful history of mistresses, locking up wives, and chopping off heads if they don’t behave. But knowing what William’s mother went through, did I hope William would be the first to break that chain? Be a better or more loyal man than his father? You bet I did.

so maybe you historians can answer me this, has there ever been a British king who didn’t have a mistress?

Lessons Learned: As this continues to play out, one thing becomes clear: confusing the Associated Press with a social media publicist is not a good idea. Not that you asked me, but I don’t think Kate had anything to do with photoshopping the hell out of the photo. Doesn’t she have a stadium full of people for exactly that? But again, what do I know? I don’t want to start another conspiracy.

I just hope that whatever Kate is going through, whether that is her health or something else, she not only survives but thrives. And that she is surrounded by people she loves, trusts, and has her back.

Conclusion: For now, all eyes remain fixated on the unfolding drama, eagerly awaiting for the next episode to drop.

Kate-Gate has captured the public's imagination like no other royal scandal in recent memory—that is unless your memory is extremely short. Shout out to Prince Andrew, Charles and Camilla, and Meghan and Harry.

One can't help but wonder what other revelations lie in store.

But I think we can all agree that there is something rotten in the state of Denmark.