OH CANADA. A Huge Happy 150th Canada, From London

Father and Son at Trafalgar Square on Canada Day


Trafalgar Square Canada Day 2017
A Broad In London sandwiched between two mounties at Canada House. Canada's 150th

I might not be in Canada celebrating my homeland's 150th birthday but boy oh boy did London step up and throw a great party. Trafalgar Square was full of Canadians (and friends who love poutine and beer) as thousands joined in to celebrate Canada Day. 

My day started with a morning gathering at Canada House. Being sandwiched between two mounties was not a bad way at all to celebrate a nation's birthday. 

They served Tim Horton's coffee (of course they did), Timbits and orange juice with maple syrup. Short of the back bacon it really doesn't get anymore Canadian.  They had a giant cake in the shape of Canada House which took a week to make these fabulous bakers told me. 

Canada Day birthday cake and the creative bakers. 

Canada Day birthday cake and the creative bakers. 

Everywhere you looked there were people dressed in red and white, draped in flags, painted faces with maple leafs or wearing canoe shaped hats. 

Wrapped in the Canadian flag at the Canada Day celebration at Trafalgar Square, London
Girls celebrating Canada Day in Trafalgar Square. 2017
Hudson Bay canoe day on Canada Day. Trafalgar Square, London
This was my favourite T-Shirt. Love it. 

This was my favourite T-Shirt. Love it. 

These girls were drinking beer while being interviewed by the CBC. Look at their T-Shirts. A topless Justin Trudeau riding a moose ala Putin and his horse. Too funny. 

Girls in Trudeau T Shirts at Canada celebration in Trafalgar Square
Canadian kids celebrating Canada Day in Trafalgar Square 2017

London's high profiled Canadians, celebs, entertainers and the Mayor of London all came out to celebrate. Even the "rock star" of the banking world (I was told) Mark Carney, Governor of Bank of England was there rubbing elbows with his fellow Canadian bankers. 

Ken Clausen, Mark Carney and Bruce MacLaren. Canada House. Canada's 150th
Watching Street Hockey at Canada Day celebration in Trafalgar Square, London

Of course it really cannot really be a Canadian celebration without a game of hockey breaking out. 

Ex NHL hockey player Ron Duguay playing street hockey in Trafalgar Square. Celebrating 150th Canada Day

Ex NHL player Ron Duguay helped lend a hand to a VIP street hockey game

He still has great hair. 

It was a fabulous party. Even ran into some Canadian friends. 

Bruce, Alyson and Christina.JPG

As I looked around and enjoyed the fabulous people watching, the entertainment and marvelled at the longest line-up I have ever seen for Tim Hortons I was reminded how great Canadians are. We are a friendly group, a nice group and a well liked and respected nation. I look forward to next year Canada.

Now I must find me those incredible red shoes. 

Colourful shoes.