Posts tagged Kensington
My Favourite Instagrammed Photos Of London. See why it is not just Big Ben that has made London the most photogenic city in the world.

With over 120 million hashtags this year and counting London is the most Instagrammed city in the world . This is not news as I have written about that before. But it is not just Big Ben or Tower Bridge that makes you want to take out your phone and get that selfie. It is far more than that. Around every corner there is something spectacular to look at. So I thought I would show you some of my favourite Instagram hotspots that are not your typical hot tourist attractions but rather the reason why London is the most photogenic city in the world.

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Celebrities & Their London Houses

Brits tend to be far more discrete when it comes to their celebrity worshipping, that is say compared to our Americans friends where there are people literally sitting in folded lawn-chairs outside the stars homes selling maps to their homes. There was no obvious map to the stars in London, and as I am not a tween interested in following some snapchat story about where the latest boyband de-jour might be hanging out I decided to create my own little self guided tour of London celebs and see if I could find the homes of some of London’s elite and infamous. Here is who I found.

Celebrities & Their London Houses

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LONDON'S DEVASTATING FIRE. Why was I so compelled to visit Grefell's charred aftermath? Because... LIKE A MOTH TO THE FLAME I had no choice

It is believed to be started by a faulty appliance. The fire broke out in Grenfell Tower, an apartment building in the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea not far from where I live.  Grenfell is located in a pocket of social deprivation within one of the wealthiest areas of Britain. London's wealthiest borough yet its poorest neighbourhood. 

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