Posts tagged Martha Stewart
London’s Best Afternoon Teas

Whether you are dining out or baking scones at home, the results are in, and I’m sharing them with you.

World’s best! How many times have we heard this? World’s best coffee, world’s best pizza, and if you live in England…

World’s Best Afternoon Tea.

Few things are more British than a cuppa tea with freshly baked scones with cream and jam.

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Is there anything more British than a cuppa tea? Henry James said, there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as "afternoon tea".  What is it about this magic elixir that seems to make the problems of the day dissolve into the bottom of a least temporarily. 165 million cups of tea are drunk everyday in the U.K, so the Brits might be onto something.

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Interesting Things To Do While Forced To Stay Inside During The Coronavirus

There is a Chinese curse that says, “may you live in interesting times”.

Well, I think that we can all agree that these are pretty damn interesting times. The worldwide pandemic Covid-19 is forcing many of us to stay indoors or practice social distancing. But not all is at a complete loss. If you are strong and healthy there are ways you could make the best of this imposed upon new found time.

I compiled a list to help us all stay a little saner as we’re hunkering down at home.

Interesting Things To Do While Forced To Stay Inside During The Coronavirus

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Going... Going... SCONE

Is there anything more British than a cuppa tea? Henry James said, there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as "afternoon tea".  What is it about this magic elixir that seems to make the problems of the day dissolve into the bottom of a least temporarily. 165 million cups of tea are drunk everyday in the U.K, so the Brits might be onto something.

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