Posts tagged TikTok
Can't Text This: Decoding Millennial and Gen Z Slang

The day I got schooled by a message from a Millennial/Gen Z hybrid was a day like any other—except that day I was publicly reprimanded on TikTok, made worse that, and I could not understand most of it. 

The message was simple: "Hey Boomer. Do you know that it is legit rude to actually just pick up the phone and call someone?"

Wait What??! I thought. Were they seriously telling me it was rude to call someone on the phone??? 

They were. 

My reply, born from sheer bewilderment, was, "You know, that is what the phone is made for, right…to call people?" But then I got hit with: "Seriously, "dude, your Boomer Boner is low-key salty. It has no cap. It gives vibes of"a thirsty Karen." 

Oh, the "humanity…and confusion.

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A World Without Men: Unpacking South Korea's 4B Movement and its Global Shockwaves

Beaten down by the patriarchy is not a new concept. As a woman who worked decades in a career dominated by men, the environment was thick with sexist comments, ripe with sexual innuendo, career blocking and what I like to call disgusting man behavior. And like myself, many had to endure the punishment that came directly from refusing the sexual advances of men in power.

My salacious boss had physically cornered me in a hotel elevator on an overnight shoot. That resulted in a permanent career demotion when I politely refused to let him penetrate me. Sadly, my story, this story, is a tale as old as time. #metoo!

So, is it any wonder women have had enough? 

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