Posts tagged Winston Churchill
The Queen is Dead. Long Live The King (that's still going to take some getting used to.)

What a year!

I cannot think of a single year in my life when living in London has been so historical. We have had a Prime Minister ousted, brought down by scandal. It was only a few months ago when decorated soldiers marched, gilded horses trotted, and trumpeters blew their horns as I, plus hundreds of thousands of others, surrounded Buckingham Palace to pay tribute to the Queen's 70-year reign. A milestone not reached by any other British monarch.

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It’s A-Broad In London’s London Quiz 

How well do you think you know London? Take the quiz. You are 25 questions away from impressing me.

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As a North American living in London you have a certain vantage point, you're able to see what is uniquely British AND what is not. While the Americans or Canadian's tend to look for the newest, biggest and shiniest next thing the British celebrate the oldest, dustiest and longest standing.  It is proudly written in gold glided letters outside store fronts "established in"  or on a historical plaque telling you who was "nearly done in" at this place hundreds of years before you were even born. 

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