Posts tagged Balthazar
5 Of My Favourite Things To Do In London Flying Solo

London for sure is an exciting, busy, social city and one might look around and think that this somewhat intimidating city is better suited for couples, groups or families. But I have to say some of my favourite things to do in London I love doing by myself. In fact some things are even easier or more accessible when you are flying solo.

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TO MARKET TO MARKET ~ My 5 Favourite Markets in London...And Why I Love Them

 I have enough clothes and shoes...said no woman EVER!

They call it "retail therapy" for a reason and that's because shopping releases endorphins, reduces stress and is cheaper than a psychiatrist. Shopping may even help you live longer (like you need another reason). So in the name public health I have incorporated shopping into my daily healthy lifestyle and started exploring London's markets.

I love the feel of the markets, they have textures, grit, smells, and personalities that you are not going to find strolling down Oxford or Regents Street. Don’t get me wrong, I love that shopping experience too but it you really want to get to know London you cannot do that without experiencing her fabulous markets. You noticed I referred to London in the feminine…that’s because anyone who has so many shoes has to be a girl. 

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