Posts tagged Flying Solo

He (or in this case she) who is outside their door has the hardiest part of the journey behind them. Dutch Proverb

According to a recent study women travelling alone are currently making the biggest changes to the global tourism industry. With a 131% increase over the last two years of women spreading their travel wings and flying solo. 

And I can tell you why…

Travelling alone gives you a perfect time to reflect and really learn something about yourself.

You do what you want, when you want and what interests you. You gain a much needed appreciation and perspective on life, something no on else can give you. By climbing out of your comfort zone, by travelling alone it is truly where I have experienced the most amazing personal growth. 

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5 Of My Favourite Things To Do In London Flying Solo

London for sure is an exciting, busy, social city and one might look around and think that this somewhat intimidating city is better suited for couples, groups or families. But I have to say some of my favourite things to do in London I love doing by myself. In fact some things are even easier or more accessible when you are flying solo.

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