Posts tagged Facebook
16 Must-Have Apps Everyone Over 40 absolutely Needs

I'm going to be straight up honest with you, this getting older thing has its disadvantages. I can throw my back out from trying to hold in a sneeze. I can walk into a room and completely blank out what I went in there for, and don't get me started about how my whole world comes to a grinding halt if I can't find my reading glasses.

Saying that I thought I would share with you 16 Must-Have Apps for us folk who have slipped into the other side of 40. And for you youngsters, take note, there might be a thing or two that might benefit you as well.

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I hope and trust 2019 is off to a great start. I was planning on doing Dry January, you know give my liver and some other internal organs a well deserved break…but my only New Year’s Resolution was don’t make any promises you cannot keep. So sorry Ban-uary, I am coming to you with a glass of Chardonnay by my side, 4:45 BST.

As I was recapping 2018 it was a big year of change for me.  I have moved house, I lost 20 pounds (although gain five back over the holidays) and I have officially changed my Facebook status to single by dropping another 170 pounds. I have a shiny new outlook on my life and I know this time is my time..and that makes me feel happy and empowered like the skinny legend I have become. 

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