Posts tagged Happy As Shit
"How to Survive the Mean Season: Science-Backed Songs That Boost Your Happiness"

The Mean Season: How Music Can Boost Your Happiness—ScIENTIFIcally

If you’re anything like me, this time of year can feel overwhelming. I’ve officially nicknamed it the Mean Season — that period from Thanksgiving to Valentine’s Day when life seems to pile on the pressure. Our credit card bills are due from overspending at Christmas, our clothes don’t fit from overeating and over-drinking, and the sun has not been seen since October. To make matters suckier, we are guilted into making (and then breaking) New Year’s resolutions before the ice even melts. Yup, this season has its challenges. And if you’re single, you get to cap it all off with a front-row seat to all the lovebirds, armed only with a box of chocolates and a stack of rom-coms. No wonder Bridget Jones ended up cry-singing "All By Myself" into a hairbrush.

It’s hard, plain and simple. But don’t worry, I’ve found a little something to help us all out. To make the lack of sunlight and the relentless bone chill of winter just a little bit nicer. And don’t thank me, thank science.

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The Music In My Head. The Mixed Tape That I Guarantee Will Make You Feel Happy


I am going to share with you something that only one other person on the planet knows about me, and because of it he thinks I am a little crazy.  Every morning I when I wake up I hear music in my head. No, not voices but actual songs. Actually they are never the whole song but rather a continuous repeat of the chorus generally.  Sometimes the song in my head makes sense as I may have heard it somewhere the day before but other times, most times it a random song that comes out of nowhere and will haunt me all day until some other song replaces it.  This morning's song was Hell's Bells by ACDC, no idea where that came from...... I think they call that an earworm or brainworm where some involuntary piece of music (usually the same 8 bars) continually repeats in my brain until I go insane....but for me it starts the moment I open my eyes.

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