Posts tagged Mean Season
"How to Survive the Mean Season: Science-Backed Songs That Boost Your Happiness"

The Mean Season: How Music Can Boost Your Happiness—ScIENTIFIcally

If you’re anything like me, this time of year can feel overwhelming. I’ve officially nicknamed it the Mean Season — that period from Thanksgiving to Valentine’s Day when life seems to pile on the pressure. Our credit card bills are due from overspending at Christmas, our clothes don’t fit from overeating and over-drinking, and the sun has not been seen since October. To make matters suckier, we are guilted into making (and then breaking) New Year’s resolutions before the ice even melts. Yup, this season has its challenges. And if you’re single, you get to cap it all off with a front-row seat to all the lovebirds, armed only with a box of chocolates and a stack of rom-coms. No wonder Bridget Jones ended up cry-singing "All By Myself" into a hairbrush.

It’s hard, plain and simple. But don’t worry, I’ve found a little something to help us all out. To make the lack of sunlight and the relentless bone chill of winter just a little bit nicer. And don’t thank me, thank science.

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Love It Or Hate It, It's Valentine's Day. I Hate it. So Why Am I Writing About it?

This time of year can be brutal. In fact my friend Marco accurately dubbed the time from Thanksgiving to Valentine’s Day as “The Mean Season”. A time when being single is never more obvious or inconvenient to all around you. And the horrific climax of the mean season should be no surprise… Valentine’s Day. I have never liked Valentine’s Day. I think for me it falls into the category of being told what to do…and when to do it. Also, if you are only reminding the people you love how you feel 1 day of 365 due to the social pressure of a greeting card company than I think you need to re-examine your relationships. In fact, I think I will start a petition to replace Valentine’s Day with a second Halloween, which I personally think is a genius idea.

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