Posts tagged Drake
What Single Women Over 50 Want in Men: The Online Dating Bingo Edition

I am just going to say it. Online dating is exhausting, tedious, disappointing, soul-sucking and, for the most part, exceedingly boring.  

It is like the movie Groundhog Day, only you are trapped at the same monotonous cocktail party with the same boring small talk—over and over and over again. It makes me want to get a dog, start eating carbs and call it a day. 

Now, for all you happily coupled folks, those who have been living with the same guy who has been leaving the toilet seat up for years or the used teabag in the sink, you can skip this blog post. We can catch up on the next one when I may (or may not) have something a little more relevant to say.

However —you might want to stick around because this post might do one of two things. Either it will make you happy you are not single, or two, get you thinking….hmmm???—doesn't this game look a little more interesting than getting sprayed with Nigel's (or Doris') flying toenail clippings? 

So let's play Online Dating BINGO — Over 50 Edition.

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Well, I am just going to go ahead and say it, Good Riddance 2020. Absolutely no one is going to miss you. I recognize that we are only a short time into this new year but I am cautiously optimistic that good things are coming our way. Sure not all of it will be immediate, but soon…and with the promise that 2021 will be greatly improved over its predecessor. I am looking forward to doing stuff, I am looking forward to stuff to look forward to…does that make any sense? What 2020 has taught us that even with the best-laid plans things can go awry, off the rails…and sometimes there is squat one can do about it.

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Top 10 List Of The Most Sung About Places In The World

Going back to the time of The Late Show with David Letterman I had become obsessed about two things, Stupid Pet Tricks and Top Ten Lists. Although it might be more visually entertaining showing you a Rottweiler fit five tennis balls into its toothy mouth I have decided to focus this week’s blog on a Top Ten List I found, one that includes two things I love, London and music.

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Crazy REAL British Laws You Are Likely Breaking Everyday.

So currently I am back in Toronto to spend some time with my mother and family. It is spring, it is April and the weather REALLY, REALLY SUCKS. Barely a crocus in sight.  Currently in London however the weather and foliage looks exactly like this!

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