Posts tagged older women
What Single Women Over 50 Want in Men: The Online Dating Bingo Edition

I am just going to say it. Online dating is exhausting, tedious, disappointing, soul-sucking and, for the most part, exceedingly boring.  

It is like the movie Groundhog Day, only you are trapped at the same monotonous cocktail party with the same boring small talk—over and over and over again. It makes me want to get a dog, start eating carbs and call it a day. 

Now, for all you happily coupled folks, those who have been living with the same guy who has been leaving the toilet seat up for years or the used teabag in the sink, you can skip this blog post. We can catch up on the next one when I may (or may not) have something a little more relevant to say.

However —you might want to stick around because this post might do one of two things. Either it will make you happy you are not single, or two, get you thinking….hmmm???—doesn't this game look a little more interesting than getting sprayed with Nigel's (or Doris') flying toenail clippings? 

So let's play Online Dating BINGO — Over 50 Edition.

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Don’t Worry, Babe. I Can Go All Night ...And Other Things Women Over 50 Never, Ever Want to Hear in Bed

Aaaah, the mature woman. That fabulous creature that, if wooed with the right balance of precision and passion, might be the best sex you have ever had. You heard me—the best.

With a real risk of oversharing, sex over 50 is the culmination of decades of learning. I cannot speak for my married sisters, those women who’ve been having sex with the same partner who has been leaving the toilet seat up and the tea bag in the sink for years. But I can speak for the single ladies who have graciously and generously shared their fabulous, unfiltered sex stories with me.

Let’s get started. Encase there is a guy out there over the age of fourteen that doesn’t know this, women share everything. Yes, all of it. We talk in delicious, delightful details…about… well…all of it. If you are wondering, did she tell her girlfriend about…insert worst fear here*, the answer is, of course, she did. And they probably told their friends. I believe that is why women live longer, by talking it out. Sure you guys talk too. But it’s different, more surface, singular, simple and summarized. An uncomplicated “ya, I shagged her…um, dude, I think it’s your round.”

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In Praise of Older Women ~ 5 Reasons Young Men Are Dating Older Women

Ever since Demi Moore was wrapped up tightly for eight years with Ashton Kutcher, sixteen years her junior, I have been fascinated by the older woman/younger man scenario. Of course, we as a society see that age flip with older men/younger women all the time, which barely warrants a raised eyebrow, and I, for one, am so bored of it (yawn). But back in the early 2000s, with Demi and Ashton, their coupling was as rare as a rainbow-coloured unicorn. Now, sure, Demi is not your average 9 to 5, Walmart shopping, monthly book club, carpooling gal (ok, that might not be average either). Back in the day, she was what the media would describe as Hollywood Royalty, a crowned Princess of the celebrity Brat Pack. Perhaps Ashton was just a pendulum swing from Demi's ex Bruce Willis eight years her senior, but if so, I say nicely done, Demi.

Two decades later, this off-beat relationship dynamic has become way more popular despite the social stigma amplified by popular media and the concept of "cougar and toyboy."

A few examples.

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