Posts tagged Single
Lessons Learnt From A Broken Heart - In Search of Mr Darcy Edition

There are few people on this earth, especially if you are over 40, who can say they've never had their heart broken. It’s almost a rite of passage. Heartbreak has tremendous power. It can hurt, enlighten, destroy, strengthen, shatter, sadden, transform, illuminate, empower and…change lives. It has inspired countless songs that can rip your heart right out of your chest (shout out to Leonard Cohen). It has left poets broken and beautiful, and it has been pretty much the plot in every rom-com I’ve ever obsessively wept over (shout out to Nicholas Sparks and The Notebook.)

I mean, if you are living life, how can you avoid it?

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What Single Women Over 50 Want in Men: The Online Dating Bingo Edition

I am just going to say it. Online dating is exhausting, tedious, disappointing, soul-sucking and, for the most part, exceedingly boring.  

It is like the movie Groundhog Day, only you are trapped at the same monotonous cocktail party with the same boring small talk—over and over and over again. It makes me want to get a dog, start eating carbs and call it a day. 

Now, for all you happily coupled folks, those who have been living with the same guy who has been leaving the toilet seat up for years or the used teabag in the sink, you can skip this blog post. We can catch up on the next one when I may (or may not) have something a little more relevant to say.

However —you might want to stick around because this post might do one of two things. Either it will make you happy you are not single, or two, get you thinking….hmmm???—doesn't this game look a little more interesting than getting sprayed with Nigel's (or Doris') flying toenail clippings? 

So let's play Online Dating BINGO — Over 50 Edition.

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Did Tinder Kill Love? Yup, I Think So.

Sex has always been the alleged road to love.

For generations, people have been hooking up at parties, nightclubs, smokey single bars, or discos (depending on just how old you are). A nostalgic, romantic era where poor judgement and too much alcohol made your relationship decisions for you (sigh).

So here we are today, deep in the throes of a new era, the online dating universe ruled by Tinder, Bumble and their near-distant relations. With immediate access to this colossal volume of singles seeking love, sex and relationships, you would think it would have triggered a new epic sexual revolution. One so explosive that we, like farrel rabbits, would be feasting on a 24/7 service of Tinderellas, super-swipers strangers that come delivered right to your door, with the reliability of UberEats.

Well, guess what? We are having less sex! A lot less.

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15 Awesome Perks and Benefits to Living Alone

Most of my life, I have been living with someone. Of course, it started with my parents and sisters. Those were the days with more rules than freedom, and blood was often shed, and fistfuls of hair torn from their roots when I'd find my sister wearing my new jean jacket she swore up and down she never took. Then I moved out and got roommates, and that too came with a whole set of compromises, general lack of personal space and questionable hygiene standards, i.e.) A clogged shower drain with hair clearly a different colour than my own. Then I got married…and had kids…and well, not only was I never alone, I was completely surrounded.

In the last couple of years, I have been blissfully living on my own. My kids are launched, no live-in boyfriend leaving the toilet seat up, the used teabag in the sink or the untimely discovery of an empty toilet roll, and I have to say it is unparalleled rapture.

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