Posts in Things to Do
What Single Women Over 50 Want in Men: The Online Dating Bingo Edition

I am just going to say it. Online dating is exhausting, tedious, disappointing, soul-sucking and, for the most part, exceedingly boring.  

It is like the movie Groundhog Day, only you are trapped at the same monotonous cocktail party with the same boring small talk—over and over and over again. It makes me want to get a dog, start eating carbs and call it a day. 

Now, for all you happily coupled folks, those who have been living with the same guy who has been leaving the toilet seat up for years or the used teabag in the sink, you can skip this blog post. We can catch up on the next one when I may (or may not) have something a little more relevant to say.

However —you might want to stick around because this post might do one of two things. Either it will make you happy you are not single, or two, get you thinking….hmmm???—doesn't this game look a little more interesting than getting sprayed with Nigel's (or Doris') flying toenail clippings? 

So let's play Online Dating BINGO — Over 50 Edition.

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"Unwrap the Magic: London's Top 6 Christmas Department Stores You Don't Want to Miss!"

'Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to soak in the festive spirit than by exploring London's iconic department stores decked out in holiday splendor?

London often makes the Top Ten Lists of Most Christmassy Cities, and for that, I say Ho Ho Ho. Although I think next year I’ve got to check out Vienna, New York, Montreal, or Munich as they never fail to trump London according to the lists I’ve read.

But what I love about London at Christmas is that not one well-trained waiter or department store elf is afraid to wish you a Happy Christmas (they rarely say Merry), rather than the North American generic, "let’s-not-offend-anyone" Happy Holidays.

I have shown you London at Christmas on the outside, and I do that because it dazzles, and every year there is something new.

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London’s Winter Wonderland: A Canadian’s Guide to Seasonal Magic

From Toronto to London: A Weather-Driven Journey

“I moved to London for the weather,” said no one ever—except me. As a proud Canadian, I’ve braved the infamous duo of Toronto seasons: Winter and Construction. And if I never ever again have to dig my frozen car out of several feet of snow, or toss away another pair of salt-stained boots, color me happy.

So, when I say London’s winter is a breath of fresh air, I’m not just spouting hot air!

London in December: The City That Glows

Forget about the North Pole; London in December is where the magic happens. It’s the time when the city transforms into a glittering spectacle, outshining Rudolph’s red nose. And if winter in London were a movie, it would get two thumbs up from Clark Griswold and family.

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10 Little Big Things: Embracing the Season with Small Acts of Kindness

I'm about to confess something to you, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in feeling this way.

I hate this time of year. Hate it!

It's like the world turns into a dark, cold, dreary scene from a Christopher Nolan movie. Beyond the gloomy weather and the scant hours of daylight, we're bombarded with that marketing juggernaut we ironically call “the most wonderful time of the year,” Christmas. That used to respectfully wait until we blew out the candle in our Halloween pumpkin, but now it relentlessly tramples over the remnants of Back to School. Shame, I want to scream like that scene from Game of Thrones. Shame! Then, as if that's not enough, comes the overwhelming pressure and expectation of a shiny, hopeful New Year. A fresh start, they say, that begins, for a lot of people with a massive NYE headache. Excuse me if I don’t have a serious case of JOMO, the joy of missing out. Ugh, it's just insertyourfavoriteexpletivehere brutal. But before you start searching for a therapist for me, let me clarify something.

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The Ultimate List: 7 New Favourite Things I'm Loving Right Now

Welcome, my friends, to an unexpected corner of my world. Today, I'm excited to spill the tea on my top picks—products, items, and services that have been recently integrated into my life. While some might consider this post a risk of oversharing (TMI alert!), I believe that sharing is caring, especially when it comes to the utterly fabulous items that have become my absolute essentials.

I think it’s important to mention that I am not being paid, bribed or courted by any of these brands, but if you are out there Prada, I’d be happy to make you the first exception.

So, without further ado, AND in no particular order…WAIT…that’s a complete lie, I am leading with the best…

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The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

It's a party the likes the world has never seen…and likely will never see again. And whether you are a royal lover or not, it makes absolutely no difference. Because no one can deny the incredible lifelong dedication Queen Elizabeth II has given to her country. Seventy years ago, Princess Elizabeth, at the age of 25, became Queen. For those of you that don't get this significance, let me help you out.

In the history of the British monarchy, and it goes back, well, forever, there has never been a King or Queen sitting on the throne for this extraordinary length of time. To put this into layman's terms, the Queen is still working at her job a whopping thirty years past the age when most people have retired. That, my friends, is service.

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It’s A-Broad In London’s London Quiz 

How well do you think you know London? Take the quiz. You are 25 questions away from impressing me.

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If you have visited London, let’s say in the last six hundred years or so, chances are good you have spent a little time in one of their 3,500 pubs. There is nothing so quintessentially British than raising a pint with your mates. These public houses have been the centre of British activity for centuries, not only serving up ale to the lads, lords and lasses but housing weary travellers, feeding ploughman lunches and Sunday roasts to families and hosting a variety of activities like darts and Quiz Nights.

Britain has pubs, America has bars.

Generally speaking, or should I say, generally drinking, pubs are different than your typical American bar culture. To start with, pubs are kid-friendly, often occupying pubs the same way Americans occupy coffee shops. But it’s more than that. They most usually have some fascinating history and tales to tell.

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So you tell me single ladies, has this happened to you?

You are getting ready for a night out, you slip into that sensational, sexy tight dress, the one you know is going to slay, and you realize, that the last six inches of that back zipper is impossible for you to do up by yourself. I mean, not a chance. Perhaps this is the real reason women do yoga, to develop the contortion like flexibility in ones’ shoulders to enable you to do this task yourself. Sorry, but do designers think I have a ladies-maid dressing me? I am not Lady Mary Crawley.

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Well, I am just going to go ahead and say it, Good Riddance 2020. Absolutely no one is going to miss you. I recognize that we are only a short time into this new year but I am cautiously optimistic that good things are coming our way. Sure not all of it will be immediate, but soon…and with the promise that 2021 will be greatly improved over its predecessor. I am looking forward to doing stuff, I am looking forward to stuff to look forward to…does that make any sense? What 2020 has taught us that even with the best-laid plans things can go awry, off the rails…and sometimes there is squat one can do about it.

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Interesting Things To Do While Forced To Stay Inside During The Coronavirus

There is a Chinese curse that says, “may you live in interesting times”.

Well, I think that we can all agree that these are pretty damn interesting times. The worldwide pandemic Covid-19 is forcing many of us to stay indoors or practice social distancing. But not all is at a complete loss. If you are strong and healthy there are ways you could make the best of this imposed upon new found time.

I compiled a list to help us all stay a little saner as we’re hunkering down at home.

Interesting Things To Do While Forced To Stay Inside During The Coronavirus

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Seriously, is there anything that London doesn’t have?

We know that London is known for its rich culture, its variety of museums and a plethora of galleries. In fact according to CNN Travel not only does London have the most number of museums in the world, but Londoners also have the highest percentage (53.6) of people attending their museums and galleries. So it should come as no surprise to anyone that London has the first (and maybe only) museum dedicated to celebrating the vag, muff, vajayjay, beaver, love button, red wagon, pink bearded clam, vulvarine or whatever you like to call it, and why not?

Iceland has a museum dedicated to the penis… you know…to give you something else to do once you bore of those spectacular Northern Lights.

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He (or in this case she) who is outside their door has the hardiest part of the journey behind them. Dutch Proverb

According to a recent study women travelling alone are currently making the biggest changes to the global tourism industry. With a 131% increase over the last two years of women spreading their travel wings and flying solo. 

And I can tell you why…

Travelling alone gives you a perfect time to reflect and really learn something about yourself.

You do what you want, when you want and what interests you. You gain a much needed appreciation and perspective on life, something no on else can give you. By climbing out of your comfort zone, by travelling alone it is truly where I have experienced the most amazing personal growth. 

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5 Of My Favourite Things To Do In London Flying Solo

London for sure is an exciting, busy, social city and one might look around and think that this somewhat intimidating city is better suited for couples, groups or families. But I have to say some of my favourite things to do in London I love doing by myself. In fact some things are even easier or more accessible when you are flying solo.

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SoulCycle, The American Cult Spinning Phenomenon Has Come to London

I have been spinning for roughly two decades. It has been my stress buster, the releasor of endorphins and often the cause of legs that feel like jello and long hot epson salt baths I literally have to physically struggle getting out of. I have a true love:hate relationship with spinning which I affectionally have nicknamed the Wheel of Pain.

So when I heard that the spinning cult phenomenon Soulcycle was coming to Soho in London I had to find out for myself what the hype was all about and just how different a spin class can be. Let me tell you…it was quite the ride.

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Royal Albert Hall. Inside The World's Most Beautiful & Infamous Concert Hall

The Beatles sang about it, Queen Victoria commissioned it and now after almost 150 years Royal Albert Hall is still one of the most spectacular, prestigious concert halls in the world having hosted over 30,000 events from 1871 to …well last night. Originally it was suppose to be called the Centre Hall of Arts and Science but it was changed to Royal Albert Hall by Queen Victoria honouring her late husband who died only six years earlier.

Its past (and present) has hosted a myriad of performers and legends to take its famous stage. From symphonies, rock concerts, opera, boxing, ballet, tennis, political events, award shows, charity events, circuses, film premieres (check out me and my guy Colin Firth at the Mary Poppins Returns Premiere), Albert Einstein and they even had the first ever Sumo Wrestling event outside of Japan, EVER!

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The English Country Life~ My First Traditional Pheasant Shoot

Since Downtown Abbey I have become obsessed with British period dramas, a genre I am now addicted to mostly thanks to Mathew Crawley (sigh) and Colin Firth (double sigh) as Mr Darcy. So in my binge watching I discovered you would be hard pressed to find in any aristocratic storyline some outing that didn’t have at least one scene around a shoot or hunt. The British elite, royalty, or even peasants (not pheasants) like myself dress in their scratchy wooly tweed and their rubber wellies as they step out on the English countryside, guns and dogs by their side as they prepare for one of England’s longest standing traditions, the shoot.

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A Beginner's Guide To London's Social Season or How To Survive Royal Ascot

London is a ever fascinating town. There is always something to see or something going on. No time is this more true than in the spring. They  refer to May and June as "the season". Royal events, galas, Royal Ascot, Henley, Wimbledon and regal garden parties. Of course the dress, protocol and the invites to attend are strict and are hard to come by. But I am going to let you in on how this Canadian girl came to London and got invited to these royal events... became the Queen's biggest stalker ...AND more importantly how you can too. 

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You think you have learned all there is to know about London history?  Been to every museum,  taken every tour, listened to every audio guide about the Tudors "this" and the Stuarts "that". Well until you start digging in the London mud, turning over a few rocks your education on London is totally incomplete

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